Help and Support
childrens gift chippingin
Help & Support

We want to make things simple, we're here to support our customers and see you through the journey.
How can we help to support you?

  • Login in
  • Normally if you experience any issues login in, the site wil give you an informative message about the issue. Choosing a strong password is important, here are the password rules for creating an account:
    Must contain 8 characters, lowercase and uppercase letter, number and a special character excluding _£.@()

  • Registering
  • You can click on the crete goal buttons to register your account. It is important to note down any error messages you may experience after putting in your details and trying to register.

  • Uploading images or using a video for your pitch
  • You can upload various image formats, the site supports JPG, JPEG, PNG & GIF. The size of your image file should not exceed 2mb, the dimensions of your image will automatically re-size but we recommend using 640x360 for the correct view. If you experience issues uploading and the error message isn't clear to you, it is more than likely that the file is not supported. For help with using youtube links, please visit share videos for assistance.

  • The Dashboard
  • As soon as you login, you will be presented with your dashboard.
    My Goals - This is where you will create your goal invites. You can also preview your finished invite as a contributor.
    My Gift/Product - Your can choose your gift or detail your important item in this section.
    Chipin Status - Here you can send your finished invite by email, Whatsapp, and other popular social networks. You can also view the progress of your goal
    and download your list of contributions.

  • Profile
  • Another part of your dashboard is your Profile. If you need to update any personal information, you can do this here. You will also be able to see what outstanding task you will need to complete. The 'To-Do list' will give you a short list of tasks you need to complete to ensure successful transfer of funds you have raised.

  • Collecting my funds
  • Once you have reached your goal, you will need to go to the Profile page and click on the 'PAYOUT' button to start the process of withdrawing funds to your nominated bank account. This process could take up to 4 working days depending on your bank account. If the button is not active, this means you haven't completed your bank setup or your goal amount has not been met.
    Funds may take up to 5 working days to be available if sent to the holding account so please setup your bank account first before sending out your invite for contributions.

    We're here to support your needs and we welcome your feedback. Please email if you experience technical issues and provide as much information as you can. Remember to visit our FAQ page.